
Archive for November 7th, 2008

The Sweater incident

I had to go to the lab, I changed into my tracks and then came something my friend had given to me, a pullover. As I was wearing it my roomy looked up to me and burst out laughing. I was given the impression that he was looking at an Eskimo in Mumbai!!

I tried justifying my attire by saying that while coming back it was cold, but that would not stop him from laughing out loudly making even more self conscious.

He was in Delhi when it happened. It was the first week of December as I recall him telling me. Around 2.5 ° C was the temperature in Delhi at that time. He was trying to sleep in his room without a heater but could not get sleep. Woolen socks, fur coat, and a Raymond’s blanket were not enough to get him to sleep. As he told me, he would not touch rice at all in that weather. Then he explained to me that rice cools the body, since it has origins as a crop that flourishes only in highly irrigated lands. I also got surprised at the discussion that since rice is predominantly the staple diet in the south, it is possible to make a lot of dishes using rice. My initial contention was that dishes do not go beyond the conventional Idli, and the Dosa. Among the various cuisines the Punjabi curries beat them all with the richness in their making and the sumptuousness of their food intake.

It was an insightful conversation which went from my pullover to the food people prefer. We discussed cultures and preferences but not people. Is this progressive thinking/speaking!!!!!!!!!

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